Target Audience Understanding Your Target Essay

Total Length: 673 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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This assumes that the audience is familiar with these objects. In item no. 4, the author continues to appeal to this same audience by mentioning the convenience and flexibility that technology brings to the entrepreneurial world.

The next audience is those who are potential entrepreneurs, but who have made excuses as to why they should not start a business. This segment of the target audience is the most ready to start a business. The author saved the most likely audience for last. This audience is ready to make the changes suggested by the author, once they overcome a few obstacles in doing so. The remaining items address specific obstacles in starting one's own business and how they can be overcome. The largest part of the article is targeted towards those who are close to making the decision to start a business on their own.

In this article, Rosalind Resnick demonstrated how an article can be targeted towards several different articles at the same time. The target audience moved from general in the beginning of the article, to include three specific audiences in the remainder of the article.

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The author spent the most time with the audience that was most likely to act on the suggestions contained within the article. The final target audience might have many reasons for wanting to start their own business, but they may have fallen prey to some of the excuses that were addressee by the author in the last half of the article. The author solves a problem for the target audience and peaks the interest of the general audience. This article is an excellent example of how choice of the target audience can have an impact on the effectiveness of the message that the author is trying to get across.


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