Targeted Home Consumer When Selling a Product, Essay

Total Length: 469 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Targeted Home Consumer

When selling a product, an organization's sales department has to be extremely careful while trying to consider which best approach to use when selling. Therefore, the sales department finds that it is better for the product to be sold in the commercial market other than using the home customer approach. The commercial market has a significant advantage over the home-consumer selling because many people are likely to purchase the product in an open consumer or commercial market. When taking the product from door to door, many people are not comfortable with the exercise, and there is a general believe that the product maybe fake or of a low quality.

New markets are the upcoming markets that were not in existence before, and they have a greater potential then those that were in existence before.

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For instance, this market is probably a new institution has been opened like a university, and a new group of people comes to live there. This market did not exist initially, and it would appropriate for any company that sells it product to target this new market.

On the other hand, potential revenue is the revenue that the company is likely to make from the new market. High-level sales are the sales where the actual sales have exceeded the expected sales. This would highly occur if a new market segment is approached and sales made with them.….....

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