Taxation the Hilton Hotels Corporation Term Paper

Total Length: 1059 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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In doing this, the company is able to cater to their needs and build customer loyalty. The article explains that such a strategy can also weed out customers that have failed to pay for their hotel rooms in the past (Kontzer). This makes the company more profitable and has added to the ability of the company to expand at such a rapid pace. The article asserts that the company hopes to open 150 new locations in 2005.

Another strategy that the company has implemented is the fomation of a joint venture company in efforts to expand the Conrad brand of hotels. According to an article entitled "Hilton Group plc, Hilton Hotels Corporation Launch Conrad Hotels Joint Venture" the author explains that Conrad hotels are luxury accommodations and that the Hilton Group will work together to expand the hotel to locations around the world. The article explains that Hilton will utilize a strategy for expansion that will involve the securing of management contracts for new build hotels and conversions, requiring modest investment by the joint venture partners. Additionally, the companies are exploring designating the Conrad brand to specific portions of existing Hilton properties ("Hilton Group plc, Hilton Hotels Corporation Launch Conrad Hotels Joint Venture")."

According to the article the joint venture between the companies begin in 1997 allows the company's to enjoy combined sales and marketing programs, joint reservation systems, the industry leading Hilton Hhonors loyalty program, and a unified advertising campaign and logomark.

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This type of strategy allows Hilton to manage the Conrad Brand in a manner that is cost effective because many of the most expensive aspects of the business are performed jointly. An article located in Hotel & Motel Management asserts that Hilton Hotel Corporation and Hilton International desire to have 50 Conrad hotel units built by 2010. The hotel currently has 17 locations (Hilton Hotel and Hilton International plan to open...).

There are many other strategies that the company uses based on the location of the hotel or potential hotel. The strategy that the company utilizes is also based on which type of hotel the company is attempting to expand. For instance the company may not take the same approach in expanding a Hampton Inn as is would in expanding the Waldorf Astoria which it also owns.


The purpose of this discussion was to investigate the tactics used by Hilton Hotel in their quest to expand around the globe. The investigation discovered that some of the key aspects of Hilton's business strategy for expansion involve diversification, customer relations, joint ventures and capitalizing on the increase in travel that has taken place over the last two years. The company has been able to utilize the business strategies discussed in the investigation to not only expand its operations but also outpace the competition.


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