My Teaching Philosophy in a College Aviation Department Application Essay

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Teaching Philosophy in a College Aviation Department

The choice of one's profession may come about in various ways for different people. There are those who have dreamt of their professions since childhood and worked hard at achieving their dreams. Others though did not arrive at the decision until they reach college and practiced what they have studied for thereafter. Still there are those who never imagined being in a profession they are at but ended up doing so for one reason or another and excelled in the field. Then there are people who have the enviable position of being able to be who they want to be and at the same time have the chance of imparting the knowledge and wisdom they have with the profession they have been practicing. For my part, I can say that I fall in the category of being able to have the profession I have always dreamt of and also have the opportunity to impart what I have learnt and experienced in the practice of my profession. Indeed, there are numerous noble professions but I believe that one of the noblest of them all is becoming a teacher or an educator.

To teach is to impart knowledge to those who have the thirst for learning. Personally, I do not consider teaching merely as a profession to earn a living but rather a vocation. It is a calling in the service of humankind in order to ensure the continuity and resilience of the human race via the transfer of knowledge and wisdom.

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Without teachers or educators, the future of humanity can never be assured because there would be no one to provide the needed learning to succeeding generations. But as an educator, I do not believe in merely "teaching" of providing the information and knowledge to my students. Rather, I want to be not only an educator but their mentor and guide who will provide the learning but at the same time peak their minds to question what is being learnt, the relevance thereto and the practical application in the real world. Thus, proper theories will always be the foundation of my teaching methodology but with solid application to what is truly happening in order to prepare the learners in real life. In doing so, I am ensuring that learners have a well-rounded education that is detail oriented and readily applicable whence they enter the work environment.

Since I will be teaching in an aviation department preparing adult learners become part of the wonderful and yet challenging field of aeronautics and aviation, the endeavor is more profound because these are people who will be responsible for thousands of lives. Consequently, I must be able convey to them the criticality of the profession they….....

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