Teaching Philosophy Written. I 15 Years Experience Essay

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teaching philosophy written. I 15 years experience health care industry management technical. I supervise

The core element of my teaching philosophy is to lead -- and subsequently teach -- by example. I have worked in the health care industry for the past 15 years. During that time, I have been involved in both technical and management aspects of the various organizations for which I have been employed. At present, I am responsible for the supervision of no less than 23 employees. During my tenure in this industry, I have found that the most efficacious way of instilling values and attributes in employees that I want them to demonstrate is by demonstrating those same mores and practices myself.

I first adopted my teaching philosophy while still a student myself. A person's first teachers are usually his or her parents. The experience that I learned from my parents while I was in grade school, and which I have applied to my own familial life and to my professional experience as a supervisor in health care, is that children learn to ultimately mimic the action of their parents, not their words.

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It is one thing to espouse a variety of idealistic virtues that one wants others to follow. But when people see someone actually actuating those thoughts and words, day in and day out (whether one is a parent or a manager) they not only understand them better but they tend to mimic that behavior themselves.

Thus, I truly believe that by modeling the particular type of behavior and responsibilities that I expect my employees to adhere to, I can ultimately teach them to gain the most from their positions and to assist our organization the best way possible. My specific mantra is, 'I can show you better than I can tell you'. Although not every aspect of each individual employee's job is easily translated into demonstrations that I am able….....

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