Technical Advances That Occurred Since 1950 That Essay

Total Length: 656 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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technical advances that occurred since 1950 that radically changed any 4 of the following 6 areas.

Transportation - Modern automobiles with all sorts of conveniences such as anti-lock brakes, sophisticated sensors, and computer-controlled mechanisms for injecting fuel and air. Also rockets that conveyed man to the moon.

Communications - Digital computer and software technology that dramatically changed communication in a wide sphere of services including factories, offices, hospitals, and, indeed, throughout society. In fact, each of these four areas are influenced by these two technical advances.

Manufacturing - inventions here include oil refineries and electric power plants.

e. Entertainment - The DVD and ability to download virtual music over the Internet and, via online technology, to compose and disseminate one's own musical compositions.

Chapter 1, Figure 1 (also slides 14-15 of Need for Systems Engineering) illustrates the law of diminishing returns in seeking the optimum system (or component) performance and, hence, the need to 'balance' the performance against the cost. Give examples of three cases other than performance vs. cost where system characteristics compete with one another, and briefly explain why they do. Use specific examples if you like.

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There is competition between performance, cost, and schedule -- the need of having the system completed at a designated time. Performance and cost (i.e. The system may become more expensive) may be negatively impacted in the process but a trade-off solution is sought.

Also the various performance perimeters of a system as, for instance, a vehicle, where speed and range are mutually dependent, can conflict. The efficiency of most vehicles (i.e. their range of activity) decreases at a higher speed; here range has to be sacrificed for speed. Here again, therefore, the systems analyst endeavors to work towards a combination that best balances the various aspects for the benefit of the user.

Finally, there is the concept of innovation where for a complex system to successfully compete in an environment of rapid technological change it needs to….....

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