Technology in Classroom Instruction Research Paper

Total Length: 619 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Distinguishing Characteristics of Instructional Technology and Distance EducationWhen most people think of instructional technology, they envision using computers or other devices to facilitate learning in a face-to-face setting. However, instructional technology can also be used to support distance education. In fact, there are several key characteristics that show how instructional technology plays a part in distance education. First, instructional technology generally refers to the use of technological tools to enhance teaching and learning in a traditional classroom setting, and with distance education it involves using technology to enable students to learn independently, without being physically present in a classroom (Jung, 2001). Second, instructional technology often relies on the use of multimedia resources, such as video and audio content, to engage students and support their learning, and in terms of distance education that means it may rely more heavily on text-based resources, such as readings and lectures. Finally, instructional technology is typically used to supplement face-to-face instruction, so with distance education it is designed to be primarily delivered via technology. These characteristics are important to consider when designing and delivering instruction using the ITDE approach.

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Indeed, as the graph below shows, instructional technology plays a large part in distance education.Graph 1. Role of instructional technology in distance…

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…in Curriculum and Teaching focused on the pedagogical side (Van Straaten et al., 2018). As a result, there was little cross-fertilization between the two fields, and each remained largely ignorant of the advances being made in the other. This situation has begun to change in recent years, as more scholars have recognized the need for interdisciplinary research in ITDE and Curriculum and Teaching. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of developing a common language and methodology that can be used by researchers from both fields. Only by overcoming these historical shortcomings will it be possible to make further progress in….....

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