Terrorism Global Terrorism the Purpose Term Paper

Total Length: 631 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Brief Analysis: The three suspects are all Islamic, two were German converts to the belief, and one was a Turkish Muslim. They all supported Al Qaeda, and had a "deep hatred" for Americans. The Germans found them largely because they were discovered spying on an American military base on New Year's Eve of 2006. Authorities have been tracking their movements closely ever since. Their bombs had the potential to be more deadly than those used in the Madrid and London terrorist bombings, and they had detonators and other equipment necessary to conduct mayhem on many locations.

While the three suspects were caught, many officials believe there are up to ten more supporters still at large in Germany and in other countries.

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Most officials fear terrorist attacks on September 11, 2007, to "commemorate" the terrorist attacks in the Eastern United States in 2001. It seems the Al Qaeda network is determined to continue terrorist activities against the United States and her supporters, and so, items such as this will continue to appear in the news. The items indicate that terrorist activities are much more understood and monitored now, and that many suspected plots have been thwarted by intelligence gathering and understanding of how the terrorist organizations are operating. To fully control terrorism is impossible, and it seems sure that more attacks on the United States will occur. However, operations like these continue to help cut down on terrorist incidents......

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