Terrorist Strategies Essay

Total Length: 1325 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Terrorist Tactic:

Terrorism has emerged as one of the major security threats across the globe in the past several years. The severity of this global threat has been evident through the various terrorist attacks that have occurred in the past few decades, especially the 9/11 attacks. Actually, the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks was characterized with increased fears that terrorist groups like al-Qaeda will attempt to carry out other large attacks against the United States. One of the major reasons for the increase in terrorism is the use of various tactics by these individuals or groups. As the world continues to experience tremendous changes, terrorists and terror groups continue to develop new, sophisticated means and tactics of carry out their activities. While some of these activities may be carried out for similar reasons, they tactics employed in achieving these goals vary from time to time.

Recent Terrorists Tactics:

As previously mentioned, terrorist tactics continue to vary and become sophisticated from time to time because of rapid technological advances that have characterized the contemporary world. Since the 9/11 attacks several terror acts have been carried out successfully while others have been foiled. The death of Osama bin Laden is 2011 increased fears that the United States would experience another large terror attack in attempts to revenge. However, at least nine of Islamist-inspired terror plots have been foiled since then, which has brought the number of foiled terror plots to at least 50 since the 9/11 attacks (Carafano, Bucci & Zuckerman, 2012, p.1). Most of the foiled plots have been planned by visitors who have been radicalized in the country, American citizens, and legal permanent residents. These individuals and groups have attempted to carry out these attacks through the use of various tactics that shift from time to time based on societal changes and attempts to make it difficult for law enforcement agencies to foil the plots.

The shift in terrorist tactics is also fueled by attempts to exploit vulnerabilities and avoid effective counter-terrorism measures.
Notably, the terrorists and terror groups employ different tactics as they pursue opportunities to inflict mass casualties and accomplish their goals. While global Islamic terrorism may not continue to be the basic terrorist threat to the United States, the increase in homegrown violent extremists and radicalization is a major problem. Radicalization and increase of homegrown violent extremists are major problems because they enhance the risk of domestic terrorism. The other probable sources of concern include the changing role of the individual, technological developments and reliance, global interdependencies, and wide access to and use of information. An analysis of terrorist plots that have been foiled since 9/11 attacks shows that some of the most common tactics used include suicide bombing, use of explosive devices, and targeting buildings.

Evolution of IEDs as a Terror Tactic:

One of these tactics that have been used and evolved over time is the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). An example of the use for IED's for terrorism is evident in the 2006 foiled terror plot in which several terrorists were arrested while planning to blow up 10 America-bound commercial airlines using liquid explosives. In the past few years, the proliferation and increased use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) has become a growing area of concern. Many insurgents and terrorists across the world including Africa and the Middle East are studying and using IEDs to conduct terror activities (Moran, 2007).

Even though Improvised Explosive Devices are sometimes considered as a new technology, they have a lengthy history. The history of these devices can be traced to as far back as 1500s when ships loaded with explosives were used. In addition, the land battle of Petersburg and the naval battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil War involved the use of these devices. However, the initial use of these weapons was basically restricted and without strategic goals and consequences. Actually, an IED was used by various peopled and groups when they could not.....

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