Thomas Abraham Clark Was Born Into Extreme Essay

Total Length: 529 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Thomas Abraham Clark was born into extreme wealth in an urban area, he is an Anti-Federalist. He corresponds with some of the most influential Anti-Federalists, sees centralized government as a curse, and has prospered under the Articles of Confederation.

Because his economic interests are threatened by an unstable currency as well as high tariffs imposed by other states, Josiah Bartlett can be considered to be a Federalist. Federalism would impose a single, stable currency and remove state tariffs and taxes.

Anti-Federalists generally believed in an agrarian republicanism, where the local wealthy landowners would represent the masses in political issues. Because Edward Heyward is a member of the landed aristocracy it would be logical to assume that he is an Anti-Federalist. However, his view of a united effort against the Indians may be an overriding factor as Federalism proposes a united national government.

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Therefore I am undecided.

As the "voice of the people," Patrick O'Neil must be considered to be an Anti-Federalist. Anti-Federalist feared that a national government would be controlled by a wealthy elite, leaving the ordinary people without a voice in government.

5. Because Tom McKaan ran away from home early in life, and spent time in every state, instead of spouting local political views, he probably has a more national view of politics. This would make him a Federalist. Also, his view of the "Spanish-Indian Conspiracy" and Daniel Shay's Rebellion demonstrates that he would like to see a strong national government to deal with foreign threats and internal stability.

6. Francis Whipple is a member of the wealthy elite who….....

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