Thomas Keller Highlight Three or Four Major Research Paper

Total Length: 978 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Thomas Keller

Highlight three or four major world events or technological advancements during this person's life.

Thomas Keller was born in 1955, and witnessed several major world events and technological advancements during his lifetime. When Keller was about nine years old, the Civil Rights Act was passed. This landmark legislation transformed race relations in the United States and helped to empower African-Americans in particular. When Keller was 14 years old, he would have watched the moon landing footage on television, a major global event that was also technological in nature. Keller came of age during the hippie generation, which might have influenced his career. Being from California, Keller undoubtedly exposed himself to unique ideas during this time. Keller also lived through major world events like the oil crisis in the 1970s, but also would have bore witness to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Finally, Keller's work as a chef would have changed dramatically as technologies of restaurant management changed. When Keller first became a chef, for example, there were no Yelp reviews, no Open Table for booking, and no Web pages for restaurant brand management. Reviews for restaurants were done by professionals only, published in major newspapers. Word of mouth publicity was possible but not nearly as rapid or prolific as online customer reviews have become now. The consumer public has changed dramatically throughout the course of Keller's life as a chef. When Keller first started out in cooking in the 1980s, only French food was on the American radar.

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The American public remained uneducated about the cuisines of other cultures. Flip forward to the 21st century, and the Food Network, coupled with the Internet and its wealth of food blogs have created a generation with unprecedented access to information about global cuisines. An increasingly educated public transforms the nature of restaurant work. Chefs like Keller become increasingly challenged because their audiences are more knowledgeable and have higher expectations than they might have prior to the technological advancements of the information age. The tools and techniques of cooking have also changed since Keller first started working in Michelin-star restaurants. Moreover, the concept of the "mega-chef" or celebrity chef is a new one that has emerged during Keller's lifetime ("Chef Thomas Keller of The French Laundry -- Biography").

2. Explain who eats the food, where it is served, & how it is served (Commensality and foodways)

Keller has spent most of his career in fine dining at the high end of the price spectrum. The upper echelon of global food, symbolized by the coveted Michelin star, is not accessible to the vast majority of people from around the world. This means that….....

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