Title IX and Its Impact Research Paper

Total Length: 2582 words ( 9 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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S. Congress went ahead and passed the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988, furthermore recognized as the Grove City Bill, over a rejection by President Ronald Reagan (Priest, 2003). That rule abolished Grove City College v. Bell and then made the bill plainly obvious that if any part of a school makes the decision to accept federal aid, then every part of the school will then be subject to Title IX guidelines (Walton, 2003).

Contemporary Importance of Title IX

Research shows that the Title IX is one of the well-known civil rights achievement stories in all of education, and it really does owe a lot to the determined funding of politicians like Vice President Biden. Previously to the Title IX, in 1972, there was something like fewer than 30,000 female students that were actually participating in recreational and sports programs at NCAA member organizations. That amount has risen approximately six-fold even since that has been taking place. At the high school level, the number of girls that were contributing in athletics has risen or gone up ten-fold ever since 1972, to three million girls at the moment (Reisch, 2005).

Studies have recognized recurrently that the profits of athletics actually extend way beyond the playing field (Pauline, 2012). Athletes that are women are much more probable to graduate from school than female students who are not even playing sports at all. Research also shows that these athletes less likely to get involved with drugs, premarital sex, or become overweight. One current difficult or strict investigation study of Title IX by Wharton professor Betsey Stevenson discovered that there is somewhere up to 50% of the general increase in work among women that fall into the 25 to 34-year-old age group was because of the Title IX (Staurowsky, 2007).

However, contrary to the myth, research does show that Title IX has not been starving athletic programs for men. Ever since Title IX was passed, the amount of men's and women's teams have really been on the rise and actually the statistics show that number of women and men playing sports has increased. Both sexes have agreed that time has brought the everything a long way but there is still a lot of work that would need to be done. The action that people are pursing today to strengthen Title IX is just one of a sequence of stages that individuals are looking at to revive civil rights implementation. To look at one example, the Office for Civil Rights is going to increase our execution of Title IX with reverence to sexual violence and sexual harassment on college campuses (Reisch, 2005).

As President Obama has made the point, Title IX "does not even say anything in regards to sports… Title IX has the prospective to make parallel, outstanding developments in the chances that girls have in the STEM areas." (Reisch, 2005) Those that are in favor, are trying to make sure that schools are making accessible a hard curriculum that makes sure students are prepared -- irrespective of gender -- for both career and college, as well as admission to science, engineering, technology, and math programs.


For quite some time, Title IX has been a source of controversy which had a lot to do with claims that the OCR's present understanding of Title IX, and precisely its three-prong test of agreement, does not appear to be faithful any longer to the anti-discrimination language in Title IX's text, and in its place favors against men and has sponsored to the decrease of programs for male sportspersons. (Walton, 2003)] Opponents of the three-prong test argue the fact that it basically functions as a "quota"


This law is to be recommended and really looked into by all educations systems because the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 defends individuals from discrimination founded on sex in education activities or programs which get Federal financial help (Priest, 2003). The United States Department of Education has been keeping up an Office for Civil Rights, with around 12 police offices all over the country and a head office which is located in Washington, D.C., to enforce Title IX. This law would be recommended for the reason that activities and education programs are very much covered. Title IX covers local agencies and state that obtain ED funds. These activities include about 4,200 colleges and universities, 17,000 local school districts, and 4,000 for-profit schools in addition to museums and libraries. Furthermore included are occupational rehabilitation activities and education interventions of 50 states, the District of Columbia, and lands and properties of the United States (Pauline, 2012).

It also needs to be recommended because the Office for Civil Rights enforces Title IX. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in ED is accountable for imposing Title IX. OCR's duty to make sure that establishments which obtain ED funds obey with Title IX is done by means through agreement enforcement. The major enforcement activity is the study and tenacity of complaints that had been filed by individuals claiming sex discrimination. Furthermore, through agency-done through reviews of designated receivers, OCR is also capable of identifying and remedying sex discrimination which may not be spoken through grievance examinations.


It can be concluded that the Title IX has been extremely controversy for many years. Although there are some that believe that this law is not fair, it is obvious that it has had a huger impact and has been a huge help for many. Title IX has been something that has been evolving over the years. However, many believe that this rule has been more of a hurt to the men and a help to the women. Many would believe that the Title IX has actually been taking funding from the male athletic department. A lot of these departments are on the verge of closing down because of the lack of funds. It appears that Title IX benefits the female athletes more than the males and that may have a lot to do with a lot of sexual harassment cases that have involved women instead of the men......

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