Toulmin's Model for Arguing About Holding Bureaucracy Accountable Essay

Total Length: 986 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Toulmin's Model On Holding Bureaucracy Accountable

"How to use this worksheet":

"Toulmin's model is an effective tool to help you question your sources and the essential elements of your own argument."

"Use a separate copy of this worksheet to evaluate each of your sources. Once you've identified the specific parts of each argument, compare the claims, the data, the warrants (along with any qualifiers, rebuttals, or backing). Note where arguments are similar or different, weaker or stronger, supported by more or less (or by convincing or unconvincing) data."

"Use another copy of the worksheet to plan your own argument. Decide on a claim that is supported by the data and the warrants you have discovered through your research. Knowing the elemental structure of your argument is an essential step toward producing an effective argument."

Source: (Record the full source citation here)____ 1.Romzek, B.S. & Dubnick, M.J. (1987). Accountability in the Public Sector: Lessons From the Challenger Tragedy. Public Administration Review. 47:227 -238

____ 2.Lipsky, M.(1980). Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services. _ Russell Sage Foundation.

3.Lowi, T.J. (1979). The End of Liberalism.: The Second Republic of the United States. New York. W.W. Norton & Company

"List each claim made in the argument." ____ Romzek, & Dubnick, (1987) links the explosion of the space shutter Challenger in mid-flight, where seven crews member lost their lives in the event because of the technical problems in the aircraft.

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The managerial and human errors were the major cause of the explosion, which was due to lack of joints at lower segment of the aircraft.

Decision making problem is another major cause of the explosion. People in the administrative position did not have knowledge of the history of the problems.

The findings of the Roger Commission in charge of the investigation about the cause of the accidents were too narrow. The commission did not use accountability in the investigation. NASA, being a unique public organization, has similar obligation to accountability similar to other public sector.

All the public officials should be accountable for their public decisions and should answer for all their doings.

Lipsky, (1980) identifies bureaucratic accountability, legal accountability, political accountability and professional accountability for public officials.

However, different accountability challenges exists in NASA such as bureaucratization and politicization leading to conflicting expectations.

Lipsky (1983) reveals that public officials occupy critical positions in the American position. In essence, low level employees provide essential services to government. However, street-level bureaucrats makes government policy in two related respects, and they exercise effective decisions with references to the citizens.

However, street level bureaucracies are often being criticized because of the inability to deliver responsive to appropriate services.

Lipsky (1983) points out shortage of resources such as limited information and time and cost constraints to obtain necessary information can hinder….....

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