Tourism in Chicago This Assessment Task Is Assessment

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Tourism in Chicago

This assessment task is designed to encourage students to develop research, and critical thinking skills. The primary competencies addressed are problem solving, critical evaluation, innovation skills, communication, and literacy

Stage of Development

Tourism is an integral part of modern economies. Countries and cities are marketing themselves as preferred tourist destinations in order to attract visitors. This is the case in Chicago, where tourism has made significant contributions in the region's economy over time. The city existence for 200 years has seen tourism grow to be one of the key pillars of its economic development. The city has incorporated the sector as a key constituent of the governing structure in the region and this has resulted in the development of numerous tourist attractions in the city. The history and proximity of the city contribute to its appeal as a tourist destination. This has made Chicago one of the most developed tourist cities existing in the current times. Some of the features, which attract visitors to the region, include parks, beaches, the Chicago's magnificent mile, architecture and other attractions. In order to determine the development of the sector in a region, it is crucial to consider the regions stage in the tourism lifecycle. Chicago is currently experiencing the stage of consolidation. The Chicago economy benefits from tourism revenue. Many local residents in the city earn a living from tourism due to the numerous job opportunities created by the sector. The region is also using an advocacy platform in order to encourage visitors to choose the city as their preferred destination. Advocacy tourism aims to ensure that the practice is sustainable and that the tourists do not affect the region negatively. This approach has facilitated the longevity of the industry by protecting the tourism resources being enjoyed by the city.

Approach to Destination Management

The contribution of tourism has not gone unnoticed for the private sector and government. The stakeholders in Chicago have incorporated tourism in the policies and governance of the region in order to ensure economic growth. The management of the sector involves the federal, state and city governments, which all play a significant role. They ensure that there is an infusion of leisure and tourism businesses throughout the city and promotes these facilities globally. According to statistics, the sector contributed $11.8 billion to the Chicago economy in 2008 (Dwyer, Forsyth and Dwyer, 2010). This means that the sector is an invaluable asset in the pursuit of economic development in the region. The city has developed several attractions including the museum campus in 1998.

The government uses conventions in order to sell the city to visitors globally. For instance, the Chicago convention and tourism bureau (CCTB) is specialized in international marketing and expansion. The organization, which was formed in 1970, has been instrumental in encouraging tourists to visit the city (Koval, 2006). The organization was created by the city's government provides support in various areas. These areas include public relations, social networking, conventional marketing and brand development in the international tourism markets. The organization collaborates with other players in the sector including Illinois department of commerce, Chicago tourism office and the economic opportunity bureau of tourism among other organizations to ensure that the city does not lose its luster as a tourist destination. The CCTB handles conventional sales for the navy pier and McCormick place, which are some of the tourism landmarks in the region. The city uses conventions in order to interact and network with potential clients. The city markets its attractions as a traditional tourist destination in the modern urban setting. For instance, the city highlights the navy pier, which is filled with restaurant, museum and retail facilities for visitors to enjoy. This has ensured that the city has maintained a constant stream of visitors throughout the years.

System of governance

The governance system in Chicago is characterized by an entangled system, which considers the city's tourism aspirations. This means that the city is dependent on tourism and the benefits of tourism percolate to other sectors. The influence of tourism is evident in the parks, advertising initiatives, public transport and local ordinance. The governance of the region has incorporated both the push and pull and the trickledown effect simultaneously due to the size of the city. The push and pull concept refers to the factors that cause movement in the region. The push factors are those that repel visitors from a region while the pull effects are those that attract visitors to a region.

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For instance, one of the push factors in Chicago is crime (Fusco and Nijkamp, 2008). This discourages some visitors from frequenting the city. The pull factors include the history of the region, resorts and various tourism landmarks in the city. The trickledown effect is also a crucial feature of tourism in Chicago. This concept states that the overall benefits of the sector will percolate to all levels of society. This means that the poor and individuals who are not directly involved in the sector will benefit from the outcomes of the sector.

Research undertakings / applications of research

The players in the tourism sector of the city have been proactive in research. This has ensured that the sector is effective. The associated press states that tourism generated to the excesses of $31 billion last year in Illinois. This posted an increase of 5% from 2011. In addition, tourism generated local and state taxes that amounted to $2.3 billion in 2012. Some types of research, which have been undertaken by the players in the tourism sector, include the following. The players carried out descriptive research. This approach is focused on a variable in the sector for instance consumer habits. This research approach is best used to describe characteristics. Analytical research is also another research approach used in the sector. This involves determining the causation of phenomenon. The research derives a theory and examines the influencing factors deeply when a pattern is established. The third research type is predictive research and this aims to make predictions in the sector. This enables the players to be aware of future occurrences and prepare. This research explores past behaviors, generalized phenomena, demographics and attitudes. The final research type is normative research. This involves looking at issues subjectively. This is done with the objective of uncovering facts. The use of these research approaches enables the players in the tourism sector of the city to have a comprehensive outlook of the issues, which affect the sector. This enables them to be effective in their endeavors and maximize the revenue and benefits of the sector to the city.

Tourism planning

The city employs a multi-layered approach during planning. The city combines sustainable practices, community and economic focused approach to plan the sector. The city is notable for its high satisfaction ratings from visitors. This demonstrates the city's commitment to planning. In order to ensure that there is a balance between the concerns of the society, economic benefits and sustainable practices, the city plans for the sector are done in various levels. Economic planning aims to ensure that the sector benefits the population of the city. When visitors are lured in the city, there will be a boost the city's growth. Tourism in this planning approach is seen to be the answer of the economic challenges being experienced in the region. There is also physical or spatial planning. It is crucial to plan on the use of land. This will ensure that the resources are protected and are not overstretched (Borrelli and Kalayil, 2011). This planning approach considers the cultural and social concerns of the city in an ecological perspective. This ensures that the city remains attractive and that the sector is sustainable in the future. The planning is also community based. The well-being of the city's locals is considered. This ensures that the there is mutual benefit and respect between the community and the locals. This ensures that the different interests of the groups involved are considered in the planning efforts. The ability of the city to plan for tourism ensures that the sector benefits the region by considering different scenarios and perspectives (Borrelli and Kalayil, 2011). Planning ensures that there is sustainability in the sector where there are new target markets and protected resources. Planning aims to ensure that there is protection for the sector's future and that the industry does not stagnate in the long-term. This is achieved by considering the social, environmental and economic factors that affect tourism.


There are several key stakeholders in the tourism sector. The stakeholders include the city's government, business leaders and citizens. In order for the sector to be successful, it is crucial for the contributions of each stakeholder to be combined. The government needs to ensure that there are adequate policies to support tourism. In addition, the government needs to provide infrastructural support, for instance the transport system. The government is also mandated to provide security for the locals and.....

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