Trace Evidence Looking for Trace Term Paper

Total Length: 374 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

It is possible that other people have already been through there and touched things, and those people must be eliminated as suspects. Avoiding further contamination, however, is vital to ensuring that the crime has the highest chance of being solved. In addition to wearing gloves, collecting evidence at a crime scene also involves making sure that the evidence, once collected, remains free from any contamination (Penrod, 2003). There are specialized containers which are used to collect certain types of evidence from crime scenes.
Other evidence, such as hair or fibers, is usually just placed in a clean, dry baggie and sealed up. It is very important at that point that where the evidence came from and who collected it is documented. Any time it changes hands, that must also be documented. This can help to ensure that it can be used as evidence at trial, because there is allegedly no chance that it has been tampered with in any way (Penrod, 2003)......

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