Trade Barriers in France and Germany: The Essay

Total Length: 646 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Trade Barriers in France and Germany:

The creation of the European Union was fueled by the Franco-German understanding, which was a significant factor in this process. This understanding originated from the Germany, which was a divided nation, economic giant, and diplomatic pygmy, could compliment France, which was a medium economic power despite of its significant global diplomatic presence. Throughout the years, France has developed to become one of the most active players in the global trade regardless of its developed economy. On the other hand, Germany has continued to advance Western Europe's economic integration through lessening and/or removal of barriers to free trade and investment.

Since every country has certain trade barriers that govern its imports and exports, France and Germany also have trade barriers despite of the various initiatives they have adopted with regards to economic integration. In relation to natural resources and/or products, France and Germany actually use some specific barriers. Germany is renowned for regulations and bureaucratic procedures that contain complex safety standards, which are sometimes applied zealously.

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With regards to its natural resources and/or products, Germany has specific barriers that relate to every category of such goods and resources under agricultural products. Generally, the specific barriers associated with these products are the European Union requirements and standard for a German performance mark or quality ("Trade and Regulations Standards," 2012).

In contrasts, France's natural resources and/or products are seemingly limited in quantity, which contributes to the existing barriers in the country regarding these resources and products. While the liberalization of the market helped to reduce various barriers in the early 1990s, there are various barriers in France that are associated with the need for increased food safety, environmental, and security concerns. Some of the specific barriers in France that are related to these products include the 35-hour legislation and the huge differences in taxation rates.

As evident in the analysis of these two countries, each of them has some trade….....

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