Training in Criminal Corrections: Much Research Proposal

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Total Sources: 3

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17). Therefore, the proper training of corrections personnel is left unfinished and unrealized which can result in leaving "members of the corrections community handicapped in their ability to address their functions" as corrections officers "in an efficient and effective manner" (1991, p. 18).

Not surprisingly, Carter reinforces the importance of training by pointing out that it is essential for the correctional population to receive adequate preparation in the form of on-the-job experience, correctional classes and through specially-designed criminal corrections academies. Basically, Carter insists that in order for the staff to perform their job functions, they "must receive "appropriate training and orientation to their job assignments," in tandem with "on-going in-service training" which hopefully will enable staff members to "assume increasing responsibility" (1991, p. 22).

In addition, all training must go beyond the possible scenarios of a particular job assignment by providing "an opportunity for the organization to impart its mission, values, vision and culture" upon all staff members who then may be able to pass on these traits to the inmate population and to other corrections officers (1991, p. 24). Thus, all organizations in the criminal corrections field must heavily invest in training initiatives, along with fully recognizing the talents of their various staff members (1991, p. 24).

Lastly, Benjamin Stevenson and Daedra Carrio discuss the quickly-emerging role of technology in today's correctional system in the United States as it relates to training correctional staff members, beginning at the top with administrators and finishing up with those who "keep the peace, keep the jail cell doors locked, and maintain a semblance of order and continuity" (2009, p. 42). One of the ways explored in this article concerns e-learning training, being "the use of Internet technologies (that) deliver a broad array of solutions" which help to enhance knowledge and performance in a correctional setting.

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This is also known as virtual learning which since the late 1990's "has evolved to allow customized, flexible, relevant and engaging training" (2009, p. 43). The importance of this type of training is obvious, for it teaches "the next generation of correctional employees" advanced computer and technology skills which can be positively applied in a correctional facility environment (2009, p. 44).


Besides utilizing the information, statistics and data provided in these three journal articles, additional research will be carried out online by exploring a number of Internet sites that provide sections on the training of corrections personnel, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice, the American Association of Correctional Officers, and Seiter's Corrections Corporation of America. Other research procedures will include the use of various computer databases, such as EBSCO, and several important books on the training of corrections personnel which are currently being used as manuals and guides by many institutions, organizations and facilities.


Carter, Dianne. (June 1991). The status of education and training in corrections. Federal Probation.….....

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