Trends in the Workplace Term Paper

Total Length: 724 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Workplace Trends

The duties and responsibilities of a human resource manager include implementing those strategies and technologies that can improve the function of the organization. In this case, the HR manager is assigned the job of introducing a materials resource planning (MRP) program.

What are three HR functions that could be affected by the MRP System

The three functions that could be impacted when an MRP system is installed include: a) the HR manager is now overseeing the master production schedule; b) The HR manager is also expected to supervise the bill of material records (also known as the "product structure records"); and c) that HR manager must be competent in dealing with the "uncertainty" that MRP systems are known for -- both in the operational functions of the MRP system and in the setting up of the system -- and these are significant. In the book Global Engineering: Manufacturing and Enterprise Networks, the authors point out that materials resource planning (also known as being one component in the field of "enterprise resource planning") is highly complex.

In fact the only thing "more complex than the software itself" is the process through which the MRP software is implemented (Mo, 2001, 148). The HR manager must be competent to develop: a) a conceptual design; b) design interfaces and enhancements; c) thorough preparations for going live; d) a smooth transition from design to fully functioning software; and e) quality operational consistency and "post implementation support" (Mo, 149).

Two ways in which a human resource manager can carry out these software systems successfully: One way would be hire a consultant to assure that the configuration of the complex software perfectly and seamlessly fits the organization's strategic goals (taking the time and money to send the HR manager for outside training does not make sense); a second way would be to fully address "…the ergonomics of the implementation process" and in the process, to make sure the company is getting the benefits (because large corporations spend $100 million on these systems) (Mo, 149).

Three important HR skills when making an MRP system successful.

According to a peer-reviewed article in the International Journal of Production Research, one important skill the HR manager must have is the ability to accurately predict (forecast) what the demand will be for the product or service his or her company is offering. He or she must have a good grasp….....

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