Trip to a Local Kindergarten Thesis

Total Length: 591 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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357) because she was very adept at using her instruction in pursuing the goal. One of the common interactions that took place during this time was the one of leadership by a different child at each table. There always seemed to be one child in each group of four that was the leader of the group, the one that the others looked to for guidance, the one that finished first and then to a certain degree helped the others with words of advice. One small boy even went as far as taking the Elmer's glue and putting it on the sticks of another child who was having difficulty in finishing his house.

Another interesting note was the special care that all the children displayed in regards to the disabled child. Almost one hundred percent of the students, at one point or another checked to see his progress, or if they could help in any way. The teacher was also guilty of this same behavior, sometimes at the behest of another student who wished her to give attention to him.

Many of the same societal mores found in everyday life were observed in the classroom and led the researcher to conclude that the common experience found in the early childhood educational environment might be the foundation of a caring and thoughtful society......

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