Tropical Wedding Date of Submittal This Plan Essay

Total Length: 1160 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Tropical Wedding

Date of Submittal

This plan will focus on a wedding on a remote tropical island, with 100 guests. The bride and groom want the wedding to be a three-day event, with special activities for each day. This plan will focus on accommodations, transportation, dining, resources, and budget for the event. When helping plan a major event, particularly a wedding, it is critical to focus on the role of the event planner. Event planners are supposed to help save the couple time, worry, stress, and money. The function is to bring professional knowledge to use to help the clients plan a particular event (Barillo, 2000). For local weddings, this would involve personal knowledge of the best vendors, venues, and other service providers. For a destination wedding, the event planner's role changes slightly, because the event planner will not be able to rely on the same personal knowledge and personal relationships to help create the event.

The destination wedding differs somewhat from a regular event in that it provides greater opportunity to the couple. Wedding writer Bekah Wright says, "You'll make your mark as a couple at your wedding. Once it's official, show the rest of the world what you two are all about on your honeymoon" (2003). A destination wedding allows a couple to do both things at the same time; officially become a couple in front of their friends and family, while, at the same time, displaying the personality and personal interests that one usually displays on a honeymoon. Moreover, they invite their friends and family to participate in the event in a way that makes it more personal and more intimate than many non-destination weddings.


The two most important stakeholders for this event are the bride and groom.

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They are the primary clients, and they are the ones for whom the event is being planned. However, the parents of the bride and the groom are stakeholders as well. In addition to having an interest in how the wedding is done, both sets of parents are contributing money to the wedding, and, therefore, feel as if they should have some input into the planning of the festivities, particularly where those plans intersect with budgeting. Furthermore, all of the guests are stakeholders. With a destination wedding, it is imperative to realize that guests are going to a considerable expense to attend the wedding. Therefore, their expectations generally are going to exceed the expectations that one has for a normal wedding experience. In addition to a beautiful event and good food the day of the wedding, destination wedding guests expect to be entertained during their stay. The planning of the events leading up to the wedding itself becomes crucial in a destination-wedding setting. Moreover, those events need to be more inclusive than in a typical wedding plan. For example, for many weddings, the only events that the guests attend are the wedding and the reception, and other pre-wedding events might be limited to smaller groups of people, such as family and wedding attendants. However, for a destination wedding, those types of limitations are impractical. It would be not only unreasonable, but also inhospitable to expect guests to spend thousands of dollars to travel to a wedding, only to fail to include them in all of the wedding events.

Event Theme

The couple has chosen to go with a tropical theme for their wedding. A huge reason that they chose a tropical location was because both of them….....

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