Turkey Burger to in & Marketing Plan

Total Length: 2088 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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The communication plan

Communication is the basic ordeal of operation within the company. The company will desire to embrace the new modes of social media as done in the fashion industries. The company has collaborated with radio stations and television broadcast houses that enable the company to create awareness over its perceived products. Furthermore, the company will involve online communication channels as Twitter, Facebook, and creation of blogs, which bears the company's new products.


Distribution will be done by the present sectors and corporations, which have been distributing the company's products. The modes of distributions will be carried through the trucks and trains. The other permissible methods will be through the air and water (Smith, 2012).



In order to launch and maintain the product in the market, the company will have to use an estimated $5 million within all the branches of expanse. This amount of money will cater for the products, sourcing services, production services, maintenance services, marketing services, and distribution services within the regions intended. Moreover, part of the money estimated to be $1 million will go towards keeping the miscellaneous status of the company.


The short-term financial goals to be aimed at by the company include making an estimated 50% benefits within the first year of production, managing accruals, and taxes offered by the judicial segment of the market and achieving the goal of building several sectors for the company to produce more of this product.
The long-term goals involve the generation of a million dollar customer appreciation of products across the globe. Moreover, the company wishes to achieve a twenty-year lucrative financial plan that resembles that of a high achieving business across the globe. The company perceives estimated sales of 90% of its entire products within a period of ten years. Within the first one month, the company strives to make an overhauled profit of 80%. This will translate to an estimate of 100% in a period of ten years (Groeling, 2010).

The graph below represents one-year returns projections to be made by the company with the introduction of Turkey Burgers in its menu.


In-N-Out Burger Company is a great achieving company with all the potential to incorporate production of Turkey Burgers. The company is well established and objective to achieve a short-term introduction of this product in the market. The company targets all of its customers now together with new entries who have often longed for Turkey burger to be included in the menu. The company offers cut prices for the products to its regular customers and other advertisement goodies for all customers. The company uses myriad communication channels, most of which is the social media. The plan to introduce the product as a supplement to the existing products will ensure a progressive introduction of the product into the market according to customer tastes and preferences......

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