Typography Graphic for Any Organization, the Way Essay

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Typography Graphic

For any organization, the way they communicate to the audience will determine their influence on a host of issues. In the case of Amnesty International, the human rights group is dealing with a conflict of interest by having a former Guantanamo detainee (Moazzam Begg) working with them. This is troubling, because the radical Islamist views that Begg will frequently discuss are in direct conflict with the ideals of the group (i.e. human rights and equality). ("Amnesty International") To fully understand how this is taking place requires looking at the organization's web site. This will be accomplished by studying: their audience, the purpose, the context and visual cues of the typography. Together, these different elements will support the thesis statement of how the viewer is impacted by what they see and read.

The Audience

The audience that the Amnesty International is trying to reach out to is individuals who are citizens of various countries around the globe. Their reports are designed to spotlight the different human rights abuses that are occurring. There use of the black background is instilling a certain amount of fear. The bright yellow boxes are utilized to create feelings of comfort (knowing that they are fighting against these kinds of abuses around the globe). The moving video is designed to cover current news and events that are surrounding human rights related issues. ("Amnesty International")

Does the document do anything to visually address a particular audience?

The photos on the home page show someone being arrested in Cuba for speaking out against human rights. In the next frame, it is illustrating how the group is against anyone that is supplying arms to permit atrocities to be committed (such as: genocide). This helps to give the reader an idea about what the organization stands for. ("Amnesty International")

Does the document ask for or require any background familiarity with its subject matter or is it referencing a popular, visual style that certain audiences are more likely to recognize?

There is a certain amount of familiarity with the subject matter. This is because the web site is showing images that could appear to be some kind of news broadcast. Yet, in reality these images are nothing more than specific photos that are designed to have an emotional impact everyone. At the same time, it is referenced as a popular style, by making this appear to be a news organization vs. A human rights group (on the home page). As a result, these elements are used in conjunction with one another to inform the audience about a host of human rights related issues. ("Amnesty International")


The purpose of the text is to persuade the audience about how human rights issues are something that must be taken seriously. Otherwise, there is a realistic possibility that the rule of law will not be able to protect everyone. This is when the basic personal freedoms that are enjoyed by so many could be placed in jeopardy. To prevent this, the group supports programs that will directly confront human rights abuses around the globe. ("Amnesty International")

Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than how these purposes are utilized by: embracing informational, inspirational and functional elements. The way that informational factors are used is through: photos, stories and reports that are posted on their web site. This is designed to appraise everyone about the seriousness of this situation and what steps must be taken. ("Amnesty International")

The way inspirational elements are used is to show these images, by creating a sense of shock. A good example of this can be seen on the website where there is a picture of the machine gun mounted on a helicopter. Then, at the bottom it is talking about how one man created an organization of 3 million members 50 years ago (which is a force to be reckoned with). These areas are designed to create a sense of outrage and inspiration.

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Once this happens, is when everyone is motivated to do more to address a host of human rights related issues. ("Amnesty International")

The functional elements are those areas of the web site that tells the audience how they can help. This is accomplished by using the How You Can Help page. Under this section, it encourages the public to join or become direct contributors. This will address the alerts that they have posted below to illustrate the regions where these abuses are happening. The combination of these factors is providing the audience with a way of informing them about human rights issues. Then, they begin to sway these views, by showing how they can help to make a difference through: joining or contributing to the group. ("How You Can Help")


To fully understand the context of Amnesty International's web site requires looking at: typography and the graphic design layout. As far as the typography is concerned, the web site is using different forms of print that are integrated with various colors from the background. A good example of this can be seen by looking the image of the Pope visiting Cuba on the home page. The headline that is utilized to influence the audience is, "Cuban Authorities Round up Activists and Block Communications as Pope Ends Visit." ("Amnesty International") To highlight this sense of concern, these words were placed in white, underlined and superimposed into the black background. This is showing how Amnesty International is using the typography to call attention to areas of concern. ("Amnesty International")

The graphic design layout is to show current events that are most troubling to executives. This is placed at the top of the home page. Then, there is the message of hope that they are fighting against these kinds of injustices by working together. On other pages of the web site is when there is a discussion about: the group, how someone can make a difference, what they can do to stay informed and current news. Moreover, there is a section on the home page that allows everyone to download various reports that have been compiled by the group. This helps to provide a sense of balance, unity and clarity about the organizational objectives. ("Amnesty International")

The Use of Rhetorical Strategies

A rhetorical strategy is utilized by organizations to present their ideas and to provide the audience with a logical flow. In the case of Amnesty International, they are using an approach that is based on: expose, narration and persuasion. The way that expose is used is to illustrate the various abuses that occur around the world is by: showing a photo album of images on the home page. The narration will occur with how these ideas are discussed in the stories that are highlighted and the images with them.

To persuade everyone that something needs to be done there are different words that are used to insight anger. A good example of this can be seen by looking no further than an article titled Maldives must investigate sexual harassment of detained women protesters. Inside the article, there are various words that are used to influence the readers.

Evidence of this can be seen with the passage saying, "Maldives authorities must immediately investigate allegations that police beat and sexually harassed four women detained during an anti-government rally, Amnesty International said. According to testimony gathered by Amnesty International, the women, who were arrested on 19 March, were beaten during and after their arrest. While in detention they were forced to undergo naked body checks on the spurious suspicion of concealing drugs in their genitals. They were forced to strip and squat several times while in prison." ("Maldives must investigate sexual harassment of detained women protesters") This is illustrating how persuasive words are used to highlight the seriousness of the situation. ("Amnesty International")

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