UAE Nuclear Energy Research Paper

Total Length: 813 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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UAE Nuclear Energy

UAE is the third largest exporter of oil in the world, despite this fact UAE has considering the installation of nuclear-powered plants. These plants are to be installed so as to meet the increasing demand of electricity that is estimated to rise from 15.5GWe to 40 GWe in the next decade. The UAE government took an interest in the evaluation of nuclear energy as an extra source that would meet the growing energy demands the country has. It set up a policy of the evaluation and development of the peaceful development of nuclear energy known as nuclear policy. This concluded that nuclear power was proved to be a commercially competitive and environmentally friendly source of energy compared to other energy sources.UAE has signed treaties with countries such as USA that will ensure nuclear cooperation that is peaceful (World Nuclear Association, 2013).

Strengths and weaknesses of the sector

Strengths of the sector are such as the nuclear agreements that UAE has signed with countries such as France which was a good starting point that signaled the start of the nuclear program.UAE also uses the nuclear supplier's group export guidelines that it uses and hence it is transparent in its operations. There are many nuclear plants in UAE that have come up such as Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation which have installed some reactors that have brought about developments in the sector.

Weaknesses in the nuclear power sector in UAE include the fact that it is an Arab country and therefore the spread of nuclear technology faces a lot of questions from the rest of the world. Nuclear energy is quite a polarizing issue and many people are not willing to work in the sector

Threats and opportunities within the sector

A threat in the UAE nuclear power sector is the increase in other countries interest in nuclear power such as South Korea and South Africa. This means that there will be more competition in the world market for nuclear power.

An opportunity in the nuclear energy sector is consultancies that will arise through an external business environment such as the U.S. .there are also requirements to reorganize do research and development so that the services to be contracted are provided by the consultancies. High energy consumption from nuclear energy as substitute for other energy sources will lead to project development in UAE hence an increase in opportunities. Nuclear energy is a clean energy source and….....

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