Union Presidents Collective Bargaining - Labor Relations Essay

Total Length: 430 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Union Presidents

Collective Bargaining - Labor relations Topic: explain duties national union president executive board members Essay Question: List explain duties national union president executive board members, illustrate remuneration considered "fair compensation" compared CEO-counterpart U.

List and explain the various duties of the national union president and executive board members, and illustrate how their remuneration is not always considered "fair compensation" as compared with their CEO-counterpart in the U.S. corporations.

The national union president administers the union constitution and enforces the union's official policies (Sloane & Witney 2010: 167). Union presidents act as the public voice of the organization, appearing as public speakers at union conventions and before the public.

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They also testify before congressional committees on pertinent issues. They may act as advocates for unionization in non-union shops, strive to protect pro-union policies and laws and deal with management when contentious issues arise such as wildcat strikes or closed shop policies. The union president represents the organization personally as well as by issuing directives, and thus his or her role as a figurehead cannot be dismissed. Members of the executive board assist in these functions, as well as deal with the conflict that may occur at national conventions between regional and local representatives of the various branches of the union and the national leadership.….....

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