Urban Warfare the Latter Years Essay

Total Length: 640 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Intelligence operation in cities will reveal, in addition to other things, the exact locations of the enemy. Once the locations have been pinpointed, the interagency task force can then besiege him with a combination of forces, surveillance, robotics, and media and combatants gas aimed at making the enemy's position untenable. With this in effect, the enemy is bound to be drawn out of their hideout and appropriate military action such as arrest or open fire taken.

In view of the suggestions presented, it is indeed a momentous time that military training be taken a notch higher. The reality of the 21st century leaves the defense forces with little choices, if any, as far as engaging terror groups in urban areas is concerned. The events in Mogadishu, where the U.S. military underperformed expectation, should serve as a revelation that the mighty of the forces does not necessarily guarantee success.
Instead, intelligent operations should be incorporated at all costs. As such, the integration of interagency operations into the military must for the primary goal before embarking on any military action. This must include intelligence agencies such as CIA and FBI (Peters, 2001).

In conclusion, the Sun Tzu's advice on military restraint in urban areas is a misplaced priority at this age. His concern on urban casualties is sensible, but the threats of future terror groups are another bitter herb to swallow. Since the American army's rules of engagement are in line with Tzu's fear, it is a wise idea to employ intelligence in the urban war. The primary goal is to pinpoint the enemy's position, make it untenable, and then engage him......

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