U.S. Airways the Airline Industry Term Paper

Total Length: 1458 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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S. Air hub in Phoenix is nearby the Delta hub in Salt Lake City. Typically, airlines seeking out acquisition targets seek to fill voids in hub locations rather than select airlines with lots of hubs close to their own. For example, critics of the U.S. Air offer state that United would have been a far better suitor for Delta because of the synergies between United's tran-Pacific routes and international networking and Delta's Atlantic and Latin American routes. And, critics believe that U.S. Airlines should have targeted bankrupt Northwest as an acquisition target rather than Delta. Most experts expect United to make a counter bid for Delta

The need for mergers in the airlines industry is compelling and combing airlines can have many synergies. But, has U.S. Airways selected the right company to merge with? The answer appears to be no.

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Being number one does not necessary guarantee being profitable. There are usually cost saving opportunities through eliminating redundant operations in any merger, but the timing of the U.S. Air acquisition and the fit between the companies are likely to impede progress. Given the immaturity of integration between U.S. Airways and America West, U.S. Airways is not in a position to take on a larger company that wishes to remain independent. Further, Delta hubs don't particularly compliment those of U.S. Air. Perhaps rival United might rescues U.S. Air from its on blunder by making a higher bid for Delta......

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