U.S. Protectionism Article Summary US Term Paper

Total Length: 363 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

S. would suddenly lose control of the Alaskan oilfields, that the Chinese would become highly opportunistic in terms of raising oil prices, and finally, selling Unocal to a Chinese-led corporation is tantamount to handing over trade secrets. Dobbs relies heavily on fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) to fuel the debate over not selling Unocal to CNOOC, despite the potential return to shareholders and the fact that China is the world's leading consumer of oil for production today. This fact alone speaks volumes to their need to drop the cost per barrel of oil to continually stabilize their currencies as their economy grows nearly 10% every 90 days during this period of 2005. Mr. Dobbs relies on FUD along with a healthy dose of nationalism to argue against increasing global shareholder value and in turn driving down the costs of energy.

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Dobbs (2005) - Chinese Bid to Buy Unocal Was Bad Deal for America. Lou Dobbs. Human Events Online. August 19, 2005. Accessed from the Internet on January 4th, 2007….....

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