Use of Metal Bat in High School College Baseball Essay

Total Length: 600 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Argument for BBcor Baseball Bats in High School/College

National Federation of State HS Associations

According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, which is the governing body of high school sports (including baseball), with the 2011 season also comes important new bat rules that now match the bat rules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which is the governing body of collegiate sports (including baseball). (NFSHSA, 2011). It was only about a year ago that the NCAA banned certain 100% composite bats and now the NFSHSA will ensure the same for its players by changing Rule 1.3.2, now requiring that any use of a non-wood bat must meet the BBCOR (Batted Coefficient of Restitution) Standard, a much stricter standard than the previous one in place (NFSHSA, 2011).

Batted coefficient of restitution and analysis

The move towards the stricter standards is based on a the following 3 expectations: That these stricter standards will (1) Provide for greater comparability in performance with wood bats which are still highly encouraged throughout baseball; (2) Lessen risk of injuries; (3) Raise the level of play and performance; and (4) Provide for better teaching opportunities (NFSHSA, 2011).

Stuck Writing Your "Use of Metal Bat in High School College Baseball" Essay?

The switch to the BBCOR standards is not being made without cause but rather as the result of extensive research, primarily executed by the NCAA, and with the intent of great expectations in both amateur leagues.

Generally speaking, this switch in standards is a good decision. It is not a switch that is being made lightly. Instead, it is the result of thorough research and there are no noticeable corruptions in the system that suggest the switch is being made for anything other than the previous 4 reason that are mentioned. In fact, manufacturers will have to catch up with the time rather than have it suggested….....

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