Value and Capital Budget the Reference Company Essay

Total Length: 480 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Value and Capital Budget

The reference company in this case is Starbucks. The company is currently trading at $53.55 (Yahoo! Finance, 2012). The five-year chart for Starbucks is as follows:

Yahoo! Finance (2012)

The company's current upward trajectory basically began when it rehired former CEO Howard Schultz to run the company again. Since that point in time, Starbucks have seen its former success rate be restored and the share price has been rising steadily (Kaplan, 2011). The improvement in the stock price has been about $10 per year and there is no reason to think that, with a strong economy this year, Starbucks will not continue to see this rate of growth. The futures price for 100 shares of Starbucks one year into the future will be around $65 * 100 = $6,500.

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The stock price has been steadily improving. Although Starbucks does have higher than average volatility (beta 1.28), the company's beta was affected by a sharp decline during the years without Schultz as CEO and a sharp increase in the years since his return. There have not been wild swings in the past few years, so none are expected in the next year either. As such, the gentle upward trajectory is expected to continue, delivering a moderate increase in the share price.

Part II:

For a capital project at Starbucks, there are a number of potential obstacles to getting that project funded. The company does have….....

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