The Value of Possessing Quality Communication Skills Essay

Total Length: 639 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Communication as a Skill

Communication is necessary in every field, no matter what it is. So long as two or more people are engaged in that field in working together towards some common objective, communication is a must. That is the takeaway lesson from "A Toolkit for the Real World," (2011) in which it is shown, as Dr. Mullins states, that "communication is important whatever you do, but particularly in science." Why is it important in science, for example? Consider that researchers not only need to study and find solutions to problems, they must also be able to present their findings to audiences and different groups of people. If they cannot present effectively via quality communication skills, what good will their research efforts have been? No one will listen or pay attention and their work will have been in vain. Thus, communication as this article shows is a necessary skill -- as necessary in fact as the talent and ability to research scientific problems in the field.

I would argue for the necessity of strong communication skills in every type of organization because we all live and work in a community and are part of a workplace culture just as we are part of a social culture.

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If we are so absorbed in our work and in our own lives that we do not take time to consider others, then we are not really living to our fullest capacity. We are, at root, not workhorses or machines, but social creatures for whom society is important. And as society is important, so too is the communication skill needed to bring society together.

How we communicate is what changes over time. In the Digital Age in which we live, we can communicate via all sorts of new media and new technology that people should understand how to use (Eadie, 2009). Communication skills thus can be thought of in many different ways: one can be skilled in digital communication or one can be skilled in face-to-face communication or one can be skilled in written communication. There is no need for everyone to have the same communication skill set as different people will have different natural talents to utilize in this department. What matters, however, is that everyone develop some sort of communication skill.

For me, I would like to work for an organization that engages in digital communication, such as Facebook or Twitter.….....

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