Values One of the Most Pervasive New Term Paper

Total Length: 344 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0


One of the most pervasive new technological inventions is the cellular phone. The mobile phone has greatly impacted the social and aesthetical values of people in most parts of the world. It is not uncommon for people to receive calls in public places, and frequently these one-sided conversations are even louder than those between two people talking in person. Loud rings, which are often digital sound files of popular tunes, contribute to the cacophony of sounds in urban environments. People are becoming increasingly more used to the sounds of cell phones ringing, which proves that the technology has already altered our perception of the environment.

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Mobile phones are now a pervasive part of our culture; people of all ages walk down the street with telephone in hand.

However, cell phones also raise a lot of controversial social values issues. There seems to be a lack of common courtesy in many cell phone users. When cell phones ring in movies or in quiet places like libraries, they disrupt the atmosphere and bother….....

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