Vietnam During the Latter Half of the Essay

Total Length: 680 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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During the latter half of the 20th century, the country of Vietnam became a warzone. North Vietnam, led by the Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, invaded the Capitalist governed South Vietnam and it embroiled the United States into an armed conflict from which the world would not soon recover. From 1955 until 1963, South Vietnam was led by a man named Ngo Dinh Diem who was made president of the country following the French decolonization of the country. Despite his support from other Capitalistic governments, Diem was a vastly corrupt man who created a governmental policy based on religious intolerance and severe restrictions of personal freedoms. On November 2nd, 1963 a coup d'etat overran Diem's government and resulted in his death. What makes this moment a turning point in world history rather than a singular historical event is the fact that it led to the southern invasion of the North Vietnamese and the deaths of innumerable human beings.

Following France's release of the nation of Vietnam as an empirical colony, the country had a political struggle with various factions fighting for power.
Eventually Diem became President of South Vietnam through a referendum which was rigged by his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu to ensure victory. The governmental system that was subsequently created gave Diem the power to pass any legislation he wished (Jacobs 2006,-page 80). Over the course of the next seven years, Diem imprisoned any persons who opposed him politically. A Catholic, Diem also targeted the Buddhists of the country and heavily promoted those who shared his religious beliefs even if they were less qualified for positions. By August of 1963 the United States, which had been an ally of South Vietnam, began exploring potential replacements for the Diem regime in order to protect its own interests.

The actual coup itself was a marvel of strategic planning. Several attempts had been made on Diem's life in the subsequent eight years, but none had been successful. It became apparent that in order to remove the man from power, there must….....

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