Visual Impairment Week 2 Discussion Essay

Total Length: 547 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The educational needs created by a visual impairment are unique. Vision loss can result in delayed concept development and critically influence social, emotional, academic, and vocational development. These students must garner knowledge through alternative mediums using their other senses. Because of this students with visual impairments often require individualized instruction since group instruction for learning specialized skills may not be provided in a meaningful manner. These students require specialized skills as well as specialized books, materials and equipment for learning through alternate modes and are limited in acquiring information through incidental learning since they are often unaware of subtle activities in their environment. Curriculum areas that require unique strategies or adaptations for students with visual impairments include concept development, academic functioning, communication skills, sensory/motor skills, social/emotional skills, orientation and mobility, daily living skills, and career/vocational skills (AFB, 2011).


To ensure an appropriate education, families and staff with special training must work together to bring the world of experiences to the student with visual impairments in a meaningful way. These student's unique educational needs cannot be met in a single environment. It is vital that a team approach be used to identify and meet these needs and that the team includes staff who have specific expertise and skills in educating students with visual impairments......

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