Walked Through the Denver Art Thesis

Total Length: 369 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

The "Better Homes, Better Gardens" banner evokes the popular American magazine Better Homes and Gardens, which established an ideal suburban domesticity that many American Americans were excluded from. I don't need to know what Wentworth Gardens is to know that its residents, like the couple in the painting, did not have access to the white picket fence ideal set by Better Homes and Gardens. The artist makes sure that race is integral to the painting, by depicting the African-American couple as unequivocally black. All around them, bright colors swirl.
The sky and water are rich blue, the building is orange, and there are trees and grass. The bright colors suggest hope. Similarly, a fountain spouts up and imparts an uplifting mood. The upward motion of the water complements the smoke rising from a fire pit on the left side of the canvas. The image is balanced and symmetrical. However, the dichotomy between the stark brick and the bright blue skies reminds the viewer that the African-American community still awaits….....

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