War Changed Everything, Authors J.L. Granatstein and Term Paper

Total Length: 945 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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War Changed Everything," authors J.L. Granatstein and Desmond Morton argue that the Second World War benefited Canada and Canadian society. Stating that "The Second World War was the one good war," Granatstein and Morton claim that World War Two improved the Canadian economy, improved Canada's position as a world power, and created a more just and egalitarian society (323). The article is divided into several sections, including "What the War Changed for Canada," "Canada and the World," and "Canada and Canadians." In the first section, "What the War Changed for Canada," the authors focus mainly on the Canadian economy, noting "The Second World War saw a quantum leap in the extent and complexity of munitions production," (324). In the article's second section, the authors describe how World War Two altered Canada's role in international politics. In the section entitled "Canada and Canadians," the authors argue that the Second World War made Canada a "kinder, gentler place," (328). Although "The War Changed Everything" is a brief article, the authors do not cite any sources. Furthermore, the authors use broad, general issues to back up their thesis rather than specific examples.

World War Two was filled with horrors such as the Nazi invasion of more than ten European nations and the extermination of millions of Jews, gypsies, and other "Untermenschen." On the other side of the world, Japan launched imperialistic attacks on neighboring China and eventually tried to spread its territories by invading North American territories.

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Therefore, the authors suggest that Canada had no choice but to enter the war on the Allied side. To counteract the evils spreading through the world, Canada committed troops and monies to the Allied cause. The struggle between "democracy and fascism" was, as the authors put it, "a struggle between light and darkness," (322). Winning the war meant preserving freedom and liberty throughout the world.

The first benefit of the Canadian war effort was the tremendous uplifting of the economy. Canada produced raw materials used for munitions manufacturing as well as finished products. Canada also provided food and other necessary items for their Allied partners. In addition to committing troops, Canada offered its resources to the common cause. The industry and productivity that resulted from the war effort would transform the Canadian economy, lifting it out of the Great Depression and into an era of unprecedented prosperity. Furthermore, the increased prosperity led to changed in labor laws. Unions became stronger and workers succeeded in securing bright futures for themselves and their children. Granatstein and Morton note also that "wartime wealth became a catalyst for equally dramatic changes in Canada's social structure," (325). Canada became more capitalistic and a thriving middle class prospered. In addition to the benefits World War Two had for the Canadian economy and labor movements, the war also directly improved veterans' benefits. In….....

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