War! For Safety, Security, & Term Paper

Total Length: 960 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Germany is only fighting out of conquest, an intolerable aim in the present world. The modern weapons, including the submarine and the tank, have made wars more costly in terms of lives. Germany seems to disregard this loss, whether it is their own or not. Germany's conquest cannot be won. Yet, the nature of the German Chancellor seems to press the nation onward, killing many of their own in the process. It is unreasonable to expect the nature of the German leadership to change now, after they have already suffered great losses. Even now, the Chancellor claims Germany is "Stronger than we were before" (Peace Rejected, 1916).

If all of this reasoning is not enough, we have the final news of German collusion with Mexico to deal with. We have heard of the Zimmerman telegram from February of this year. In it, the German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmerman offers portions of America to Mexico if we should ever join this war (Zimmerman, 2003). That Mexico would enter the war with Germany is a very real threat, one that would threaten us at our very doorstep. The audacity of the German nation is clearly shown through this action.
That they would offer a section of a neutral country (our United States) to our neighbor, with whom we are currently at peace, is nothing less than instigating war on our home soil.

Many people are now asking why we should join a foreign war. Yet, I believe that it is not a foreign war. Americans are not currently free and neutral. Our homes, our lives, and our nation are being threatened by the actions of the German nation. We cannot sequester ourselves on American soil, avoiding both trade and travel. We cannot let the offer of our own states to a foreign power go unnoticed. We cannot ignore the pleas of the many nations who are suffering in this battle. We cannot cede control of the seas to the German U-boat and the poor discretion of the German Chancellor. Our only option is war on the side of Great Britain and her allies. Only then can we protect ourselves and our fellow Americans from the growing force of belligerent conquest in this, the twentieth century......

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