Ways to Improve Quality Care for Spinal Patients Capstone Project

Total Length: 1744 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Assessing the Problem: Quality, Safety, and Cost ConsiderationsIndividuals with quadriplegia and co-morbidities who are medically fragile face a number of challenges in terms of accessing and receiving high-quality healthcare. These challenges can impact the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the healthcare system and individual in a number of ways.One of the key challenges faced by these individuals is the need for specialized care and support. Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is a condition in which an individual has paralysis of all four limbs and torso. This can significantly impact an individual's ability to move and care for themselves, which can make it difficult for them to access routine healthcare services. In addition, individuals with quadriplegia may have co-morbidities, such as respiratory or cardiovascular issues, that require specialized care and support. This can be challenging for healthcare providers, who may not have the necessary expertise or resources to provide the necessary level of care.This lack of specialized care and support can impact the quality of care received by these individuals. For example, studies have shown that individuals with quadriplegia are more likely to experience adverse events, such as falls or pressure ulcers, while in the hospital (Mao et al., 2018). These events can lead to additional health problems and longer hospital stays, which can further impact the quality of care received by these individuals.Consistency of Evidence with What I See in My PracticeIn general, the evidence suggests that individuals with quadriplegia and co-morbidities who are medically fragile face a number of challenges in accessing and receiving high-quality healthcare (Rayes et al., 2022). These challenges can impact the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the healthcare system and individual. The evidence also suggests that specialized training and education for healthcare providers, as well as improved access to specialized equipment and resources, can be effective strategies for addressing these challenges and improving the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the healthcare system and individual for these individuals.I tend to see similar challenges in my nursing practice and am able to implement strategies such as specialized training and education or improved access to specialized equipment and resources. Thus, I can say that the supporting evidence is consistent with what I see in my nursing practice. However, it is also important to consider the specific needs and circumstances of the individuals I care for, as well as any challenges along with local, state, or federal policies or legislation that may impact the nursing scope of practice and the care and support provided to these individuals (Ulrich et al., 2020).ChallengesThe challenges faced by individuals with quadriplegia and co-morbidities can also impact patient safety. For example, inadequate care or support can increase the risk of falls or other accidents, which can be particularly dangerous for individuals who are already medically fragile. In addition, the lack of specialized care and support can lead to delays in treatment or inadequate management of co-morbidities, which can compromise the overall health and safety of these individuals.

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The challenges faced by individuals with quadriplegia and co-morbidities can also impact the costs to the healthcare system and individual. For example, the need for specialized care and support may require additional resources, such as specialized equipment or staffing, which can increase the overall cost of care. In addition, longer hospital stays or the need for additional medical interventions can also increase the costs of care for these individuals.StandardsState board nursing practice standards and organizational or governmental policies can play…

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…with these individuals or group, this will depend on the specific goals and objectives of the practicum, as well as the availability of patients and resources. It is important to document the time spent with these individuals or group as part of the practicum to ensure that the necessary amount of time and resources are dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by these individuals and improving the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the healthcare system and individual.Documenting TimeIt is important to document the time spent during the practicum with individuals with quadriplegia and co-morbidities who are medically fragile in order to ensure that the necessary amount of time and resources are dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by these individuals and improving the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the healthcare system and individual.There are a number of ways to document the time spent with these individuals during the practicum, including:Time logs: This can involve keeping track of the time spent with each individual on a daily or weekly basis, including the specific activities or tasks completed during that time.Patient care logs: This can involve documenting the care and support provided to each individual during the practicum, including any treatments or interventions administered, any observations or assessments made, and any communication with other healthcare providers or family members.Reflective journals: This can involve keeping a record of your thoughts and insights related to the care and support provided to these individuals during the practicum, including any challenges faced and any strategies or approaches that were effective in addressing these challenges. It is important to be as detailed and accurate as possible when documenting the time spent with these individuals during the practicum, as this information can be used….....

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