White Weddings As Long As Term Paper

Total Length: 604 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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One of the most recent trends is these celebrities showcasing their luxurious, and expensive weddings on national T.V. For their adoring fans to admire and be jealous of. According to Ingraham, "using the power celebrities hold as the embodiment of fantasy to authorize particular social behaviors and beliefs, the visual media demonstrate where the margin of acceptability begins and ends" (Ingraham 113). The wedding industry taps into America's fascination with celebrities to help reshape their sales pitch to those average people who could never afford such lavish celebrations. Watching these weddings on T.V. make many soon to be brides want to overspend and go far beyond their means in order to try to reenact their favorite star's wedding.

One of the most lavish, and utterly ridiculous, nationally televised weddings was last years union of Kim Kardashian to basketball player Kris Humphries.
Although the marriage itself only lasted 72 days, the wedding reportedly cost millions of dollars. The emphasis here was not the love between Kardashian and Humphries, as they later discovered they were completely on separate pages when it came to having kids and starting a normal family life. Rather, the emphasis was on the bling, the luxury -- everything that the wedding industry likes to shove down the throats of average brides and grooms without such big pockets. The two-part wedding extravaganza enthralled thousands, and made E! millions in advertising revenues and sponsorships. This is a clear example of the commercialization of the white wedding, and how American celebrities only fuel the fire.


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