William Graham Sumner Was a Sociologist During Term Paper

Total Length: 367 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

William Graham Sumner was a sociologist during the 19th century who conducted extensive studies on the sociology of society and human interaction. In his study of the dynamics of society, Sumner focuses on the function of social norms for the society. In his discourse, he posits that social norms and traditions that have influenced societies for a long time are the main reason why there is an impediment in the introduction and implementation of social changes or reforms. Moreover, Sumner explains how social reform is an essential part of society's development, and also because changes are an integral part of humankind's natural right to liberty: "The truth is that the social order is fixed by laws of nature precisely analogous to those of the physical order.

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.. The evils of society are to a great extent the result of the dogmatism and self-interest of statesmen... Instead of studying the natural laws of the social order, they assumed that they could organize society as they chose..." In his discourse, The Challenge of Facts, Sumner also states, "What we mean by liberty is civil liberty, or….....

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