William Shakespeare's As You Like It William Term Paper

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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William Shakespeare's As You Like It

William Shakespeare's play As You Like It is probably one of his best comedy plays. It has been said that Shakespeare's plays illustrate the many sides of his genius and humor. (Abrams 867) In As You Like It, Shakespeare introduces many different themes and ideas for the audience to ponder and skillfully develops the characters to create a thought-provoking play. As You Like It is short, but full of action and never fails to engage the reader. Colorful characters enmeshed in a game of hidden identity lay the groundwork for this excellent poem that is still popular today.

Part of the plays popularity revolves around the theme that nothing is at seems. Many of the characters in the play act out different roles or shift their roles at some point during the play to add an element of intrigue at just the right moment.

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Shakespeare weaves issues of love and deceit throughout the play, always leaving the reader to guess what the characters' true intentions may be.

Rosalind is one of Shakespeare's most famous characters. She is outspoken, bold, and witty. She is the proverbial "damsel in distress" at the beginning of the play but she quickly turns the situation around till it seems everything and everyone revolves around her. Even in her moment of distress, she has her loyal friend, Celia, who never leaves her side. Rosalind and Celia appear to have an interesting relationship, which is first revealed when Charles remarks to Oliver, that that Celia would have "followed her exile, or have died to stay behind her" (1.1.88-89) and "never two ladies loved as they do" (1.1.90). Celia reinforces this when she says, "I see thou lov'st me not with the….....

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