Word Process Term Paper

Total Length: 303 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0


Matt Ridley's opinions that the practice of personal eugenics should not be discouraged and is not dangerous are correct. As Ridley states, personal eugenics is a private matter. Modern eugenics is about individuals applying private criteria to improve their own offspring by screening their genes.

Mothers can prevent a child from suffering by aborting fetuses that would be born with Down syndrome or inherited disorders. And, people who carry the Tay- Sachs mutation can avoid marrying each other through blood testing.
The use of personal eugenics if for a cosmetic purpose is perhaps more controversial, but once again it's really the parent's decision. As Ridley points out, women can choose to abort their child if they want to, so why shouldn't they be allowed to have the kind of child that they want?

Eugenics' bad rap stems from societal genetics. Many of its advocates were socialists, who saw eugenics as….....

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