Working for Amazon Article Review

Total Length: 682 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Amazon's culture? What values, beliefs and assumptions is the culture based on?

Success in business today is a combination of factors. As opposed to focusing making the executives feel good about their positions, building culture is about growing talent.

It is disturbing that at Amazon colleagues are inspired to rubbish each other's work in meetings. They work long hours and are held to supposedly high standards; as assumed by the company. There is an internal phone directory that encourages workers to provide each other's bosses with feedback secretly. The workers have expressed concern that it does not serve positive purpose but sheer sabotage (Streitfeld & Kantor, 2015)

Many workers state that they chose Amazon because of the challenge it presented. Others are inspired by the promise to think big and explore what has not been tried out there. Some reported having gained from their stints with Amazon by sparking their careers to take off. Also, some workers who left reported that they had been accustomed addictively to the working style at Amazon (Streitfeld & Kantor, 2015).

As opposed to what happens in other companies, Amazon has evolved its daily language, routine, and culture that goes beyond philosophy utterances at a staff meeting.
Some Amazon workers report that they pass these to their children too. The idea of compensation is regarded as a competitive act. Managers at the middle level can earn extras from stock grants that have multiplied over tenfold from 2008. Frugality is encouraged though in their spending habits (Streitfeld & Kantor, 2015).

It is common for employees to say that that they find coworkers being sharper and the most committed, in their experience. The drone delivery project that started in 2013 was a co-invention of Daniel Buchmueller; a low-level engineer. Amazon applies self-reinforcing tools to push the thousands of employees to keep working and aiming higher. All aspects of the company's system encourage motivation and discipline among the marketers, specialists in finance and engineers. There is fierce competition even in answering emails. These actions are triggered by the constant quest for positive feedback and appraisal (Streitfeld & Kantor, 2015).

2. What are the pros and cons of a culture like Amazon's culture? Would you want to work there?

A New York Times article highlighted how Amazon pushes its white-collar staff to achieve the ever-growing ambitions. There was insightful analysis on Amazon's work environment including reports on….....

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