Works of Art the Hallucinogenic Essay

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Incase paint needed to be removed from the painting it was done using a palette knife. When the painting was finished and had dried for almost on year, the work was sealed with a vanish layer.

This particular artwork is figurative. This is because the painting has combined symbolism with optical illusions as well as the estranging of familiar motifs which leads to the creation of a visual language.

Subject matter of the painting

This painting was made as a retrospective look of life by Dali. The whole scene of the painting is within a bullfighting the painting; Dali has effectively displayed the dislike his wife has for bull fighting.

The formal aspect of the work and subject matter work together to create a significant meaning and content which can be interpreted easily. This is through the use of the various colors in the painting. The bullfighting is submerged under red and yellow tones which tentatively allude the Spanish flag colors. A serious and rigid expression is interpreted being the seated dislike for bullfighting. The views attention is grasped by the rectangular burst of colors that steers down to the head of a dying bull.

When I first looked at the painting I did not know what exactly was in it and its subject visual analysis changed the first reaction that I had since after a visual analysis of the painting I was able to make out the subject matter even after not being able to do so the first time I saw it.

Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory

This was an oil painting on canvas done by surrealist Salvador Dali. This was a recreation on canvas of the famous work the artist had previously done in 1931 the persistence of measures 33cm by 25.4 which is quite diminutive.

Analysis of the artwork

There are various ways one can use to analyze way of analysis is the iconographic analysis. The painting is made up of many illusions from the first paintings including flooded landscapes which are an indication of how landscape is changing from both above and below water.
The main draw of the painting is the melting watches though there are other important symbols that are found within the painting. There is a creature in the center of the painting which has eyelashes and closed eyes. The creature is actually a symbol that represents Salvador Dali the painter, a form he has used for self representation. The olive tree symbolizes peace. The dead olive oil tree is a symbol of inevitable death brought by time. The final symbol is the painting steps; one particular prominent step is on the foreground on the left side. Another step appears in the distance along the horizon at the edge of the water. These two steps are a representation of the explanation Freud gave of the act of going up and down the stairs. However, the use of these steps by the painter is unclear.

The artwork appears to be calculated first because it is based on another painting that was done is also quite neatly done. The artwork is meant for the public and is the painter this image was actually meant to symbolize the new physics which is the quantum world that exists both waves and particles. This artwork expressed the artist's interest in religion and nuclear physics which had led him to diverge from surrealism.

The work leaves me with questions like what was the intention of the artists of the inclusion of steps in the painting. Another question is if everything that is included in the anointing is relevant since to me it appears as being overcrowded.

I attended the Dali museum in St. Petersburg Florida. I really enjoyed myself at the museum. I had the opportunity to look at various art works that the famous artist Dali had done. For sure I really enjoyed analysis each and every piece that I saw.

The visit to the museum was quite an informative one and I really got to learn a lot. I was able to expand my knowledge on artwork and interpretation......

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