Xml.Rels Word/Document.xml Definition and Description of Basic Term Paper

Total Length: 1203 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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xml.rels word/Document.xml

Definition and Description of Basic Concepts Error of measurement Measuring devices make approximate measurement(s). If an object is measured twice at different times, the two obtained measurements may not be accurate. This difference between the measurements is called error of measurement. This error, however, is not considered a mistake or the incorrect measurement. In fact, the error in measurement is a numerical method for showing that measurements are not certain. In simple words, error of measurement is the variation between the measurement result and the correct value of the object that is being measured. According to recent studies, "the measurement error affects the repeatability of MMN" (Paukkunen, Leminen & Sepponen, 2011, p. 2195) (mismatch negativity). Test-retest Reliability Test-retest reliability is the estimate between scores from the similar respondents tested at dissimilar times (MacQuarrie, Applegate & Lacefield, 2008). It demonstrates the reliability and evenness of an instrument's score in due course. It means that an instrument is reliable if the results obtained are close. It is the most simplest and renowned survey reliability indicator/marker of an instrument. Split-Half Reliability This term refers to an investigational mean that is used for the evaluation of a measurement instrument's reliability. The items are assigned to two "split halves" at random and the scores inter-correlation obtained from both halves is then calculated. The consistency of results means that the two halves have the same measurement. Split-half reliability can thus be described as a means of calculating the approximate reliability of an instrument (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2005, p. 109). Internal Consistency An instrument is referred to have internal consistency when its items calculate/determine the identical attributes of an object. Internal consistency of an instrument gives the instrument the kind of reliability that does not call for repetitive scoring. Thus, an instrument is considered as valid when its scores strongly match up with the criterion scores (Brazeau, Teatero, Rawana & Blanchette, 2012).

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Validity Coefficient After the establishment of a criterion, the estimation of an instrument's validity is easy. The estimation of a validity coefficient is done with the use of a mathematic formula that compares the instrument scores with the criterion variable scores. Thus, validity coefficients are the indicators of the extent of relationship that is present between the individuals' scores measured by two dissimilar instruments (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2005). Construct Validity refers to the extent to which a measure shows a relationship with other measures as supposed to be parallel with in a theoretical manner. It is used for testing the speculative structure within which it is expected that the instrument will achieve the results. It is a challenge to validate an instrument when construct validity is involved. It is important to note here that factor analysis was responsible for establishing the construct validity (Chen & Lo, 2007). Criterion Validity An instrument is said to possess criterion validity on the condition that it presents identical results when compared with the results of another instrument that is specifically used to determine the same variable. Such validity involves measurement of objects at multiple times. Evaluation is done by making a comparison between the authentic measurements with a decisive factor known to be the criterion variable (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2005, p. 137). Content Validity This kind of validity is related with the comprehensiveness (breadth, depth, width, range) of an instrument. It also refers to the adequacy of an instrument and how well it mirrors a complete aim (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2005, p. 136). When an instrument is not reliable, it means that it contains extra errors and cannot be regarded as a valid marker of the….....

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