Zahi Hawass Was Born May Research Paper

Total Length: 1254 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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The first analysis concentrated on the Y chromosome, which would illuminate King Tutankhamun's paternal heritage; the second analysis consisted of genetic fingerprinting," (SCA, cited by Ann). Genetic fingerprinting allowed for a five-generation "pedigree of Tutankhamun's immediate lineage," (Hawass 2010). All of the testing was replicated in an independent laboratory designed specifically for the Family of Tutankhamun Project (Hawass et al.). In addition to the DNA analyses that were performed on the royal mummies, CT scans were also used to help analyze bones.

The results of the DNA analysis revealed the parentage of King Tutankhamun. Akhenaten is the father of King Tutankhamun, not his brother as was previously believed (MalcolmJ). However, Hawass had already hypothesized that Akhenaten was the father of King Tutankhamun. Hawass notes that an inscribed limestone block that he helped piece together led him to question King Tut's heritage. The text printed on the limestone block states that Tutankhamun is the "king's son of his body, Tutankhaten," and his wife as the "king's daughter of his body, Ankhesenaten," (Lorenzi). Hawass claims, "the only king to whom the text could refer as the father of both children is Akhenaten," (cited by Lorenzi).

Research from the Family of Tutankhamun Project has also revealed that King Tutankhamun was from the "short-lived capital of the 18th Dynasty" Tell el-Amarna (MalcolmJ). Moreover, Hawass has concluded with some degree of certainty that Kiya, one of Akhenaten's minor wives, was the mother of King Tutankhamun and she died giving birth to him (MalcolmJ).
Unfortunately, research has yet to reveal any conclusive evidence as to how King Tutankhamun died. Based on the results of the Family of Tutankhamun Project, the most likely cause of death in the King was linked to malaria. King Tutankhamun and three other royal mummies also tested positive for malaria. Based on bone analysis, "avascular bone necrosis in conjunction with the malarial infection as the most likely cause of death in Tutankhamun," (Hawass et al.). Hawass and his team of researchers also discovered the presence of other diseases in Tutankhamun including Kohler disease II.

The much-anticipated analysis of King Tutankhamun's DNA is a springboard for future research in the area of molecular archaeology. Archaeologists and historians will be able to better piece together the lineage of ancient families, for whom accurate written records may not have been kept. Moreover, the application of genetic science to archaeology is instrumental in helping understand the migration of populations and also the etiology and spread of disease. Previously unidentified mummy specimens from Egypt and indeed from around the world can be demystified and brought to light in the same way that King Tutankhamun's was.


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