1st Responders a First Responder Essay

Total Length: 1267 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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8). Some

additional equipment used by first responders might include both breathing masks and full-fledged gas masks (depending on the circumstances), ropes, ladders, flashlights, helmets

(some sporting lights), anchor points, buoyancy control devices, stretchers (some with wheels, others are handheld) portable radios, food, water, antibiotics, insulin, needles and even more. Much of this equipment will be a matter of not only practicality, but of necessity as well.

First responders also need clothing that reflects the nature of the emergency with which they need to address. If the situation which they are addressing is one that includes biological components the clothing they must don is a bit different than that of regular first responder's clothing. First responders clothing can include a number of different items such as; insulated, waterproofed heavy and highly visible jackets, multiple-use bandanas, public safety, police and fire vests, polyurethane overalls, parkas, coats and waterproof jackets.

Many of these items are specifically designed for use by the first responder. They include such modifications as oversized radio pockets, microphone tabs, and a clear ID/badge pocket. Many of the clothing items are coated with special coatings to protect the wearer from airborne pathogens, most are waterproof, and the majority are comprised of fire and tear resistant material. Safety glasses and gloves are also common apparel chosen by first responders.

First responders who are called to a biological emergency would not only need the above listed equipment but must also have clothing available that would protect him or her from biological effects.
Such clothing can consist of items from above that are specially treated, made airtight and include airtight breathing apparatus, helmets and boots.

Recently, Rockland Fire Equipment Company wrote that their first provider biological kits include "a chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) ensemble" (Rockland, 2011).

That ensemble consists of a complete protective suit, gas mask, boots and gloves.

The first responder can purchase a number of suggested items at various locations online including; www.firstrespondersupplies.com that offers all of the above items as well as other first responder equipment such as; cpr valve masks, tongue depressors, backboards, adhesives strips and bandages, watches and timers, scissors, stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs, binoculars and even a number of equipment bags to carry all the equipment.

The truly effective first responder should have a notebook to help track situations, and a list of all potential assistance teams and response units, with their phone numbers. Along with the large number of tools, the first responder should be prepared with clothing and equipment that will be of great help in any type of medical or situational emergency, especially a biological emergency that might call for much more than the mundane automobile accident scene......

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