Abnormal Psych Carl Rogers' Person-Centered Essay

Total Length: 633 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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When addressing positive emotions, Freud might have assumed that individuals who were raised in ideal environments and who did not develop sexual hang-ups were more likely to experience positive emotions than anxiety. Freud might also claim that positive emotions were the result of working through neuroses in psychotherapy, but his overall view of the human condition remained bleak.

4. The DSM-IV-TR is the latest version of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The tome outlines categories of mental illnesses, offering criteria that practitioners can use to diagnose clients such as symptoms. The DMS-IV-TR is useful but has many limitations. First, it creates a standard of labeling individuals and can lead to stigma or pigeonholing. Second, it does not acknowledge differences that might exist between different cultures that could affect the way mental illnesses are viewed.

5. A large number of prison inmates are clinically diagnosed with mental illnesses and receive treatment in prison.

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In a sense, prisons have become part of the mental health care system. What affect is this having on the mental health care system and what if anything should be done about it?

Imprisoning persons with mental illness often occurs because an individual broke a law before becoming aware of a pre-existing condition. The condition could be related to anything from substance abuse or to bipolar disorder. Deviant behaviors that are punishable by imprisonment often stem from mental illness. However, the stigma against mental illness is what creates such situations. If persons with addiction are placed in prison, then the mental health industry does not need to deal with the issue directly and instead leaves it in the hands of criminal justice. Mental illness and especially addiction should be addressed frankly and openly as part of a global approach….....

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