Admissions Statement (250) Some Careers Are Professions, Admission Essay

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Admissions Statement (250)

Some careers are professions, others are callings. I am called to the career of social work because I believe it provides some of the best opportunities to help people who are in crises or transition and to provide that help in a constructive and relatively rapid manner. I began studying in the summer of 2006 at Somerset Community College. I stayed at Somerset and obtained an Associate Degree in Business Administration. In 2009, I returned to Australia, my country of origin, and enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts program, majoring in Sociology. Not surprisingly, my studies in sociology exposed me to social work. Until that exposure, I had thought of social work as an extension of counseling, and, though I knew it was under the sociology discipline, I felt like it was more similar to psychology. However, the greater the exposure I had to the field, the more I came to understand the holistic approach that social work takes to problem solving.

Stuck Writing Your "Admissions Statement (250) Some Careers Are Professions," Admission Essay?

I know that as a social worker I will not be able to solve all of my clients' problems or fix entire communities on my own. However, I do strongly believe that, as a social worker, I will be helping provide guidance to those in the community who are in need, and providing opportunities for those who are leaders to help others in their community. For those reasons, I wish to continue my studies in sociology and become a social worker.

Personal Statement (350)

I think that all people view themselves as the heroes in their own life stories, but it is not until we are tested by significant challenges that we have the opportunity to discover whether or not we meet our own expectations. Last year provided….....

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