African Restaurants Research Proposal

Total Length: 703 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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There is a fascinating history with this cuisine in New York, as it used to be made surreptitiously in SRO hotel rooms to meet the needs of the underground laborers from West Africa who craved food from home (Sietsema, 2011).

More evidence of the power of this trend comes from New York African Restaurant Week, a bi-annual event that just completed its run, with 17 participating restaurants. The African community in New York has become quite active in promoting its heritage and culture, and this starts with food. The NY African Restaurant Week has become the centerpiece of that effort, highlighting the exception standard of African food in New York.

I propose to produce a multimedia package for the New York Times that includes the following: There will be a 1200-word story focusing on the growth of African dining in New York, the variety of options and the characters involved. There will be a video that will be between 6-8 minutes on the same subject.
Unfortunately it will not come with smell-o-vision, but your audience will wish it did. There will also be still photographs of proprietors, food and patrons to illustrate not only the cuisine and characters, but the cultural context as well.

I have received permission to speak to half a dozen restaurateurs for this story, and to get them on video. I will also be speaking with the coordinator of African Restaurant Week as well, as they have more precise figures on the growth of African dining in New York and the way that the different audiences are responding to this trend. With this cooperation I will be able to highlight the power of this cuisine, what it means to the people in these communities, and why everybody else in New York should be interested in broadening their culinary horizons......

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