Alternative Assessments Essay

Total Length: 508 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Counter Point

Point: "Assessments are a powerful tool that can be constructed and used by teachers to improve student learning" (Holler et al., 2008).

Counterpoint: "Teacher-made tests may neither provide an accurate source of information about student mastery of the content nor properly prepare students for high-stakes tests" (Holler et al., 2008).

In assessing the aforementioned statements it appears both are flawed to some degree. Each suggests valid points but neither capture the essence of the problem at hand. Assessments are indeed useful and important tools, but only when used in moderation. Balance and reason are more important assessments, but that does not mean they have no value.

Teachers and administrators are endowed with many challenges within the school systems they work within, but they are also blessed with many tools to solve those challenges.
Assessments are tools that teachers and administrators may use to help get a clearer picture of the quality of the education that students are receiving in their presence. Assessments are also more valuable in some areas of learning than others. Since science is about assessing results of nature, this tool may be more applicable in this subject as opposed to philosophy or English language arts.

Teachers are responsible for creating reasonable and understandable assessments and their education is indeed reflective of their own abilities. It stands to reason that a poor teacher will offer poor assessment methods to value their students ability to learn. The opposite should also stand true, where teachers who are well balanced can….....

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